Regular Prices when not free:
Breakfast: $1.50 Full Price $0.30 Reduced Price
Lunch: $3.00 Full Price
$0.40 Reduced Price
Adult Lunch Price $5.00
All billing for breakfast and lunches will be done through Breitung Township Schools. You can check your balance and make payments through their Food Service Portal. To create an account for the Food Service Portal, contact Chris Tramontin at 906-779-2631 or at [email protected]
Our Hot Lunch meals are provided by Breitung Township (Kingsford) Schools.
Each morning our lunch count must be called into Breitung by 8:45 am. If your child arrives anytime after 8:45 am, they will need to bring a cold lunch for that day. On days with two-hour delays, we will still offer hot lunch.
Breakfast is served prior to Morning Prayer Assembly
Lunch for ECE-3 11:00 a.m.
Lunch for Gr. 4-8 11:05 a.m.
Local Wellness Policy
Please click on the Local Wellness Policy on the link provided. All HSCS families and the public are invited and encouraged to help review the policy yearly. Please call the school office for the dates and times of the meetings.